Foot cramps are an idiopathic condition, meaning that their cause and origin are typically unknown. Experiencing foot cramps is a distressing and extremely painful experience, something we’d all like to avoid. Luckily, most cramps are caused by dehydration, so proper hydration is all it takes to keep foot cramps at bay. Other conditions that can cause chronic foot cramps include peripheral artery disease, diabetes, and arthritis. Make sure to follow up with your doctor if you have recurring cramping issues.
Treating Foot Cramps
When you first feel a cramp coming on, stand and step forward with the unaffected leg while bending at the toes and stretching out the calf muscle of the affected leg. You can also relieve foot cramps by sitting with your legs outstretched and pulling back on your toes with your hands. Another way to loosen up cramps is to take a hot shower or a hot bath.
Preventing Foot Cramps
To stay cramp free, make sure you are adequately hydrated before, during, and after any strenuous exercise. Your muscles need fluids and minerals to function properly, so also be sure you’re filling your diet with calcium, magnesium, and potassium-rich foods.
Don’t let cramps catch you off guard! Next time you feel that familiar pinch, follow these instructions to help you to loosen up and relieve cramps.
If you experience foot cramps daily, there may be an underlying condition that needs diagnosis and treatment. Schedule an appointment with one of our podiatrists today.